For $3,000 You Too Might Snag a Full-Time Work-From-Home Job
A cottage industry of career coaches who assist job seekers land WFH & motorsport jobs gigs has flourished amid fierce competition for remote work
In recent weeks, we've noticed a similar trend here at Motorsport Hackers. Even if in the motorsport industry remote work isn’t the same, we notice the same thing for example on Formula 1 jobs and other similars top companies. Remote job listings appear, and within just 48 to 72 hours, they vanish. What many don't realize is that the competition isn't just local—it's global. You're competing with individuals from all over the country and even the world.
According to LinkedIn data, full-time remote job listings received nearly half of all applications on the platform in May, despite comprising only around 11% of all listings.
Now, more of these applicants are turning to experts like (The Motorsport MBA), who specializes in guiding people through the process of landing these sought-after roles. These services, however, come at a cost: Coaching sessions can run around $250 each, while comprehensive programs spanning months can cost upwards of $3,000.
In fact, our "office" is every race circuit or event where we have to work, and it changes every single time. So you could say we're true motorsport nomads, 100%. While remote work exists, it primarily involves transitioning from the office to the race track, not working from home. Although we do know some individuals in our industry who work from home, they are relatively few in number.
Here some of the small list that could work from home while inside the motorsport industry (even if may vary to time and to every specific case:
TV - Media controller - Production
Social media
Timing - Scoring
Data Analyst
Software Engineer
Even is some always need a part to be done on the race tracks, this part could be done for someone in there, passing and sending you the info at home. This will make lower costs.

To learn more about how this industry has flourished in response to the growing competition for land a motorsport work, click this LINK